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Let's talk

Ready to get started?

Whether you want to automate everything that you can or just dip your toes in to see how it can support your business - we’re your go-to solution specialists whenever the time is right to begin your business process automation journey.

If process automation is new to you, let’s get a virtual coffee brewing and we can show you what automation is all about and what it looks like in an automation demo so we can explore your business needs. 

Not quite ready for a virtual chat? That’s okay too. Send us a message and we can connect you with some information to digest - and we’ll be ready to explore what success looks like for you anytime!

Canada: 613-342-2200
USA: 315-907-6745
Toll Free: 1-866-905-2228
Canada Head Office - Brockville Ontario
USA Head Office - Syracuse New York

How can we connect?

Here's how we work:

1. Let’s not jump too quickly, let’s get a kick off call on the calendars first. We know schedules are busy and your time is precious. So we want to spend a brief introductory call up front to learn about your organization, your needs, goals and objectives so we can confirm that process business automation is the right fit. And if you like us, we’ll get into step 2!

2. Once we understand your needs, we dive into what this could look like for you - we call this the automation discovery call. Now that we know all about you (and you’ve seen our fun personalities), we have a working session to dive into what processes would be a great starter for your organization so you can gain immediate return on investment and reduce the frustrations. These mini bots are easy to digest, especially if you’re new to the automation life! 

3. Depending on the depth of our calls in step 1 and step 2, we may jump into an automation demo in step 2 or it may be its own separate meeting. We understand that making a decision like this may require additional people in attendance so we schedule a dedicated meeting to see a bot in action. This means you can sit back and visually see how we feel a proposed solution would work for you. 

4. Once we’ve got the details out of the way, we’ll get to work on providing you with a full proposal covering off all the things we’ve talked about, including the use case for automation and financial investment which includes support and maintenance to keep you covered and worry-free.

5. Once you’ve had an opportunity to review the proposal, ask any questions, you’ll be on your way to your new bot journey. After the contract is neatly tied with a bow, we get to the fun stuff of development and delivery of your bot(s). We know you and your team are going to love what automation gives to you, so watch your automation journey take off with energy and excitement!